Wednesday 19 September 2012

Sheep to Shawl

Armed with 10 completed sheep breeds and Breed Binder, we headed off for our first public appearance, as part of the 2012 Sheep to Shawl Competition in Surrey BC. I am a member of the Richmond Weavers and Spinners team (my 3rd year). Teams consist of a weaver, 4 spinners, a plyer and steward/educator where washed fleece will be taken to finished, woven shawl in 3 hours. In judging, 10 points are awarded for education and display so in a competition where only a point or 2 can be the difference between 1st and 2nd, every little detail counts.
The Breed Binder was a fabulous draw to our display as initially like me, who knew there were so many kinds of sheep? Visitors were fascinated by the difference in fibers with of course Cormo winning the fight for fondling. I never tired of hearing Wow as I would glance up to see the Cormo being stretched in and out like an accordion. As I spun, I was filled with pride at the interest my samples and binder garnered and couldn’t wait to help it grow. I am also proud to say that our RWSG team, the Yarn Birds (Yeah thanks Pauline for that name…the same Pauline of Chee-vee-iot fame) won first prize for our shawl which was handed in to the sound of my cowbell ringing friend, Dotty.

…well, I think we won. The lone judge was making excuses
and apologies for the winning team without actually
 announcing them as winners nor asking congratulations
 from the audience until Judith screamed “We Won!” What’s
with that? It was a beautiful, flawlessly woven shawl of
handspun  and hand dyed warp and presented with an even
twisted fringe. And as for the “Look at them, they’ve been
spinning all their lives” comment from the Judge,
 go sit on a tack!

1: [1]I’m under 50
2:[2]I have blue hair
3: I’ve been spinning 3 years

[1] Except for the time at the River Rock Casino buffet when the attendant asked how many seniors . Having performed a scan of the non-existent line up, I asked what she meant. She meant me! I was 43! 43 I tell you and worthy of every indignant exclamation mark!! Her turn will come soon enough, biatch.
[2] Hmmm, my Nana had blue hair too…just a bit more pastel and a bit less electric!


[1] Except for the time at the River Rock Casino buffet when the attendant asked how many seniors . Having performed a scan of the non-existent line up, I asked what she meant. She meant me! I was 43! 43 I tell you and worthy of every indignant exclamation mark!! Her turn will come soon enough, biatch.

[2] Hmmm,not a useful point as my Nana had blue hair too…just a bit more pastel and a bit less electric!

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